Young Adults
The Sathya Sai Young Adult program was established to encourage young adults (between the ages of 18-35) to lead purposeful lives by learning and practicing spiritual values as defined and established by the life, message, and works of Sathya Sai Baba. The ultimate goal of the program is to help young adults realize their true Divine Nature through introspection and selfless service. Add this quote as welL: Young men and women, the future citizens of the world! The future of the country depends on the skill and the sincerity of the youth. Therefore, the necessary enthusiasm and encouragement must be generated among the youth. All my hopes are based on the students, the youth. They are very dear to me. The future of the world, good or bad depends on your conduct. The country will be safe, secure, peaceful and prosperous only when your conduct is good. What the world needs today is not affluence and material comforts, but men and women of noble character. The country is bound to disintegrate if the behavior of the young men and women is not on the right lines. – Baba Nov. 21, 1999
It is the privilege and duty of the young men and women to promote the welfare, progress and peace of the world. Transform all your actions into sacred duties. Experience the love of the Divine. That is the meaning of Swami’s declaration: “My life is my message.”
Young people should consider the true purpose of life. They should get rid of all the impurities in their hearts. With pure hearts they should embark on service at all times and everywhere. “Hands in society, head in the forest.” From today develop an unwavering mind and a steady vision. That is the way to divinise the world.
– Baba (First World Youth Conference – July 16, 1997)