Sai Ram Dear Center Presidents, Please present each week’s zonal announcements during the center meeting and, if possible, show the location and layout of the website via a projector. This way, members will become familiar with access to the latest announcements on our website announcement page.
Link to website announcement page: Please scroll down to view the announcements for the week of June 7, 2023.
SSSCLC (Sri Sathya Sai Center Leaders Conference 2023) Theme Song Details
SSSCLC (Sri Sathya Sai Center Leaders Conference 2023) Travel Document Details
Announcement 1
SSSCLC (Sri Sathya Sai Center Leaders Conference 2023) Theme Song Details
Aum Sri Sai Ram! I hope this message finds you well. I am pleased to attach the theme song for the upcoming Sri Sathya Sai Centre Leaders Conference. The email includes both music and lyrics, and we believe it captures the essence of our conference. As we eagerly anticipate the opening ceremony on July 4, 2023, in Sai Kulwant Hall, we kindly request your assistance in sharing the attached song with the delegates from your Zone. By doing so, we can enable them to start learning the song and be prepared to offer it during the ceremony. Should anyone require any assistance or additional support in learning the songs, please feel free to reach out to Sudhagar, who is leading the Music workstream for the Opening Ceremony. Sudhagar can be contacted at He will be more than happy to provide guidance and support. Many Thanks, Yours in Sai Service Singanayagam Indrapalan
Chairman - Zone 3 Countries | Sri Sathya Sai Global Council
m: +61 (0) 435 327 369# h: +61 (0) 2 9858 2261 | e :
SRI SATHYA SAI GLOBAL COUNCIL - Zone 3 Musical Offering - SSSCLC Download |. SSSCLC Theme Songs
Announcement 1
SSSCLC (Sri Sathya Sai Center Leaders Conference 2023) - Travel Document
Dear Brothers & Sisters Om Sri Sai Ram

With just about 45 days for the SSSCLC, I see so much excitement from countries to be there at the Divine Abode in Prashanti Nilayam.
Our teams have been working round the clock & it is Swamis Grace that all of us are getting the opportunity to come together as one family from across the world.
The Travel Desk has put forward a beautiful document that will help you prepare for your trip. Do go through this document & if you need any help OR support connect to the travel desk coordinators as mentioned in the document.
Looking forward to meeting each of you in Prashanti Nilayam
With Pranams At The Lotus Feet
In Sai Service With Love
Suresh Menon
Chair Sri Sathya Sai Center Leaders Conference
Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Dr. Axay Shanthi Kalathia SSSGC Zone 1 – Chair