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Welcome message to all SSSGC Officers from Zonal Chair Dr. Axay Kalitha

Writer's picture: nadellaknadellak

Sai Ram Dear SSSGC Officers,

With Swami’s grace, please see the Welcome email below from our Zonal Chair Dr. Axay Kalitha.

Sai Ram,

Sai Sravan SSSGC-Media Coordinator

From: Axay Kalathia Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2021 9:30 AM To: Balu Karanam <>;;; Krishna Ramoutar <>; Subject: Welcome message to all SSSGC Officers

Sai Ram Dear National Presidents,

Please forward the following welcoming message to all national, regional, and center officers along with advisory team members in your country.


Sai Ram Dear SSSGC Officers,

Congratulations on your selection to serve the devotees in your country as an officer. You should be honored and humbled knowing that this opportunity is most definitely given to you by Swami. There is no better way to earn His Grace than by serving His devotees in His organization with love, humility, and sacrifice. Remember that He does not need any of us to fulfill His mission and that He is only involving us to accelerate our own spiritual growth and advancement. Challenges will most certainly be presented, and we will make Him proud by facing them with Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love and Non-Violence.

The past few weeks have been hectic as we have had to develop an infrastructure since the SSSIO decided to not join with the rest of the Sai organisational family, which is adhering to its roots in Prashanti Nilayam. That Swami is most certainly guiding us has been made clearly evident with the right people with the right skills and talents coming forward at the right time. "Sai- incidences" have been plentiful!

As we settle into our roles, it is important we familiarize ourselves with the vision and guidance that Swami has given for His organization over the past half a century. We should develop a regular practice to go back and study His numerous quotes and discourses regarding HIs organization. Some examples are provided at the end of this email as an addendum.

The following are some practical guidelines that we should follow to enhance the effectiveness of our goals:

  1. Communication:

    1. Email should be the official mode of communication regarding organizational matters and announcements.

      1. WhatsApp, text messaging, and other modes of social media can be utilized for specific projects, real-time communication, informal sharing, etc. However, any resolutions, decisions, initiatives, announcements, etc. should be followed up by email.

    2. Copy relevant supervising officer on email communications:

      1. Email communications sent out by center presidents to members should have the regional president copied.

      2. Email communications sent out by the regional officers should have the regional president and the respective national officers and national president copied.

      3. Email communications send out by any of the national officers should have the national president and zonal chair on copy.

      4. This is not to micromanage, but rather to educate, inform, and stay connected.

        1. The Organisation is not yet organised effectively! Reports of activities from the Units do not reach the Samithi, the Samithis are not reporting to the District Presidents and they in turn fail to inform the State Presidents, who are unable to present a full picture of the activities of the State to Me. The flow of information from below and of instruction and inspiration from above must be unbroken and steady. December 23, 1971

    3. Avoid engaging in negativity, criticism, using harsh language in any mode of communication. Better to lovingly resolve differences in person or by phone rather than by email or social media.

  2. Protocol:

    1. Maintaining discipline with Love is the goal. Stay within your role. Obtain approvals from the appropriate officer involved and if any doubt, consult your center, regional or national president.

    2. Each officer should regularly communicate with their respective center, regional and national officer.

    3. Zonal committees do not get involved in the administration or guidance of center or regional matters, such as devotional program, study circles, and general service projects. Their role is to work on developing special projects and programs and recommendations that will be communicated to the Zonal Chair. Implementation of these special initiatives will then be done with the collaboration of each country's national officer team.

This is an exciting time to work together as we progress on this amazing spiritual journey of being instruments to help others progress on their journey. Please do not hesitate to contact your respective presidents if you need any further clarification as we move forward.

In the Service of our Dear Sai,

Dr. Axay Shanti Kalathia

Sri Sathya Sai Global Council,

Zone 1 Chair


What is the purpose for the Sri Sathya Sai Organization?

  1. Why are we in this Organization? What is the purpose? You must have the firm belief that the aim of this Organization is to remove the obstacles that keep man away from God.... this Organization must elevate the human into Divine. November 21, 1970 (Third All India Conference)

What should His organization try to spread?

  1. The Organisations named after Me are not to be used for publicising My Name, or creating a new cult around My worship. They must try to spread interest in japam (recitation of God's Name), dhyaanam (meditation) and other saadhanas (spiritual practices), which lead man Godward; they must demonstrate the joy derivable from bhajan (devotional group singing) and Naamasmarana (remembering God's Name), the Shaanthi (peace) that one can draw from Sathsang (good company). They must render seva (service) to the helpless, the sick, the distressed, the illiterate and the needy February 23, 1968

How should officers lead?

  1. Office-bearers cannot claim any privilege or exemption. They must evince leadership; by their devotion and faith, they must inspire the waverers. That is their function. November 21, 1969

How to involve members?

  1. Every member of the Samithi (center) must be given some particular work so that he may develop a sense of belonging and he may contribute his skill, intelligence, faith and devotion to the promotion of the objects of the Association. November 22, 1970

Which festivals should centers celebrate?

  1. must also celebrate the Birthdays of the Mahatmas who led man to the God within him, and also all days held holy by your brothers. Do not set limits to these celebrations and these days. Make every day a holy day and fill it with the recollection of God and His messengers. April 21, 1967. (First All India Conference)

How to work together?

  1. When the tasks which the organization takes up increase in number and size, naturally, new committees have to be formed and entrusted with the new duties. Mutual adjustment and constant consultation are necessary if a program of spiritual service is to succeed. Over-enthusiasm may make some people commit blunders or do incorrect things. Theses have to be overlooked in a generous spirit. Love and brotherhood must be expressed as both understanding and sympathy. Prema Dhaara Part 2, Letter 61

Why is Discipline important?

  1. You may have Devotion, you may discharge the Duty entrusted to you. But, unless you are saturated in Discipline, the other two are useless. January 4, 1974 (Fifth All India Conference)

  2. If rules are not observed as laid down, the Organisation will come down in confusion. November 21, 1970

Why are there difficult people in this organisation?

  1. To say that a person must be pure and good and following certain codes of conduct before he could tread the path of God is to say that he must be free from disease in order to deserve medical treatment! This is absurd. Purity, goodness, etc., are all the consequences of the journey towards God. They cannot be insisted upon, as essential for even starting upon it. Jnana Vahini p32

  2. The family is like a pair of spectacles in front of your eyes. While it may appear to be an obstacle in front of the eyes, the glasses actually help to improve one's vision. Nov 24, 2000 (Seventh World Conference)

How to respond to criticism?

  1. Bear calumny, criticism, and neglect with courage; do not allow these to affect your equanimity. January 4, 1974

  2. You must cultivate large-heartedness to return good for evil and not to cause pain to anyone in any circumstance. This is the mark of a pure mind. January 7, 1988

  3. Bliss will prevail in the world only when you develop peace and love. Do not give scope for ill feelings and worthless talk. You can even reprimand the elders who indulge in mean talk. Tell them to behave in a manner that befits their status as elders in the society. They should prove themselves as elders in conduct and not by age. SSS, Vol 32; Disc. 23; October 15, 1999


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