Sai Ram Dear SSSGC Members,
With Swami's grace, Sri Sathya Sai Educare has launched the Online SSSE Classes for all families who do not have access to Sri Sathya Sai Global Council center near where they live.
Please see the message below from our National Education Coordinator, Sister Sumana Murali.
Sai Ram,
Sai Sravan

Loving Sai Ram,
Please share this email with any family that can benefit from this.
With the immense grace of our beloved Sai, Sri Sathya Sai Educare (SSSGC-USA) is happy to announce the launch of its Sri Sathya Sai Educare Online Only classes in 3 USA time zones.
Below are some details for those looking to register.
What is this program?
Sri Sathya Sai Educare (SSSE) is based upon the Balvikas movement THAT Sri Sathya Sai Baba started in India in the late 1940s. With spirituality at its core, its fundamental basis is to practice the inherent human values of Truth, Right Conduct, Love, Peace, and Nonviolence. The two foundational tenets: (1) Love for God and (2) The realization that we are divine will permeate each class in a developmentally appropriate way.
Children have a natural sense of inquisitiveness and a unique inbuilt relationship with spirituality. This program feeds that inner thirst and helps them blossom into the best human beings that they can be and good citizens of this wonderful country we live in. This class is offered in most SSSGC Centers. The only difference is this is offered online for the convenience of those who do not have a center near where they live.
Is it a Hindu class?
No. Baba explains it best. “All religions teach how to move closer to God. One should not have any attitude, thinking, one religion is bigger and another religion is smaller and one should not make such comparisons. Acceptance of all religions is the essence of Sai, is something you should recognize. There is only one religion, religion of Love; There is only one caste, caste of humanity; There is only language, language of the heart; There is only one God and He is Omnipresent. To recognize all these religions as equal and conveying the same on an equal footing is something which we should inculcate in the minds of the children. We should not compare the religions, saying one is big and the other small. Whether Christians, Parsis, Jains or Muslims, we should regard and welcome them with equal love.” - March 1974
So, this class will teach and talk about all religions and the underlying spiritual principles of all religions so that students see the unity underlying all of them and are good people in the land that they live in.
Similarly, He says to teachers:
“The teachers of balvikas should make no distinction between religions and castes and, whoever comes to the teacher, if Christian children comes to you, you can teach them about the Bible, if the Muslim children come to you, you can teach them about the Quran, if the Hindu children come to you and if there is no possibility to teach them Vedas or Shastras, you can teach them small stories out of the Ramayana, Mahabharatha, and Krishna Tattwa, which is very important. Those teachers who have such equal-mindedness and who are impartial will deserve to be called teachers. It is only when the teachers have such an equal-mindedness and do not distinguish between one religion and another or between one sect and another, will they be able to propagate such good ideas. There is only one caste, it is the caste of humanity, there is only one religion, and that is the religion of love, when you remember these two things, then this world will become as one home. One eye of equal-mindedness and impartiality, and the other eye showing love, these two should constitute your vision, and the teachers of balvikas should pay attention to both these eyes.” - November 1975
How is this class different from what happens in a center? Why create this online class?
SSSE is offered in Sai Centers in person. This one is an online-only version of SSSE. Same program, just 2 different mediums of sharing. For the convenience of families who have children but have no Sai center near where they live, we are launching these online classes in 3 USA time zones - Central, Pacific, and Eastern. Those in the Mountain time zone can choose between either Central or Pacific. We have these 3 time zones so that every child can be taken in and the class sizes remain small.
While all centers are online as of now, please know it is only temporary. Once COVID gets better and life returns to normal, everyone will go back to a brick-and-mortar building. However, this SSSE Online class will continue to remain online. So, please register your child for the online class only if you do not have a SSSGC center in your area that already offers SSSE.
What is the frequency of the class and who will take class?
Classes will happen once a week on weekends (Saturday OR Sunday) at the same time every week. The class will last from 1 to 1.15 hrs. They will be taught by trained teachers. Your coordinator will give you more specific timings during registration.
How old must my child be to join this class?
Online classes mirror in-person classes and the design is the same. Classes are for children in Grades 1 through 12. Children in Grades 1 to 3 are in Group 1, in Grades 4 to 6 are in Group 2, Grades 7 to 9 in Group 3, and Grades 10 to 12 in Group 4. There are no groups for children under 6 as Swami says the mother is the primary teacher.
This class, like any activity in a SSSGC Center, is free of cost. The only pledge you make is to put in your time and commitment to bring your children online to class and stay involved in what they are learning.
Now, if I want to register my child/children, what do I do?
Pick your time zone and contact a coordinator below with an email. Include your name. The coordinator will send you a Registration form right away.
SSSE Online Class, Eastern Time Zone
Coordinator- Srilakshmi Nalabala
SSSE Online Class, Central Time Zone
Coordinator- Pavithra Krishnan
SSSE Online Class- Pacific Time Zone
Coordinator- Subha Madapusi
When do classes begin?
We will begin with Parent Orientation on October 3rd, 2021. Details of the meeting will be given to you after registration.
Where can I get more details about this program?
Go to . You will see FAQs and other details of the program.
Looking forward to your participation in this wonderful initiative that will serve the needs of all children.
Loving Regards,
Sumana Murali