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Sri Sathya Sai Human Values: Practical Application Course

Writer's picture: nadellaknadellak

From: Axay Kalathia <> Date: Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 1:08 PM Subject: Sri Sathya Sai Human Values: Practical Application Course To: Balu Karanam <>, Aruna Suvendran <>, Krishna Ramoutar <>, Sri Jeevaprakash <>, Kumuthini Coomarasamy <>, Malla Singh <>

Sai Ram Dear National Presidents,

Please forward this announcement regarding the much asked for second course after the acclaimed Sri Sathya Sai Awareness Course:


Sai Ram Dear Brothers and Sisters,

With Swami's Grace, the Sri Sathya Sai Awareness Course offered by the SSSGC Zone 1 Educational Programs Committee (SSSEP) was very well received by the course participants. On its heels, our prayer and goal are to offer the second in our series, titled the Sri Sathya Sai Human Values: Practical Application Course in partnership with the SSSGC Zone 1 Program for Awareness of Human Values and Educare Committee (SSSPAVE). Both young adults and adults will have the blessed opportunity to explore the practical implementation of the five human values of Truth, Right Action, Peace, Love, and Non-Violence. 

Like the first course, the second course is also a 10-week practical, interactive course that will delve into the heart of Swami's teachings on human values. Swami teaches us to avoid compartmentalizing our lives into the spiritual and the mundane. Every aspect of our lives, whether it pertains to our home, work, or the community we live in, is designed for our spiritual development. Our values represent our personal guiding principles or life goals, which in turn guide our behavior in all aspects of life, including our home life, work life, and social life. The importance of values lies in their implementation, which this course aims to promote.

Those who missed the first course are still eligible to register for this course because the only prerequisites are unsullied Love for Swami and a firm determination to implement His teachings.

Discussions will center around practical day-to-day issues or challenges we face in our daily lives in practicing the five human values. Eminent leaders in the Sai Community will be guest speakers. Small breakout groups will ensure inclusion, intimate participation, and in-depth analysis. Putting into practice the course material will be a large portion of the assigned homework for this course, and opportunities for experience sharing by interested participants will be provided.

To enroll, please fill out the registration form using the link provided below on or before October 9, 2022. 

1. Class timing: Every other Saturday starting on October 15, 2022, through March 4, 2023:

· From 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM        (Eastern Standard Time)

· From 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM      (Central Standard Time)

· From 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM    (Mountain Standard Time)

· From 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM   (Pacific Standard Time)

· From 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM        (Atlantic Standard Time)

2. Introductory video: SSSEP Course 2 Introductory Video

3. Course flyer: SSSEP Course 2 Flyer

4. Link to Registration Form:

In the Loving Service of Sai,

Dr. Raja Rao                                                                           Sainath Vadathirthanathan

Chair, SSSGC Zone 1 SSSEP                                                Chair, SSSGC Zone 1 SSSPAVE

Ananthy Mahendran                                                            Aru Narla

Jason Carpenter                                                                   Prasad Nistala                                                                                                          

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