Your Connection to Prasanthi Nilayam
SAI INSPIRES Zone 1 Bulletin
Oct 03, 2024

Sai Inspires - Latest Updates
Loving Sairam Dear All,
Happy Devi Navaratri Greetings to All,
This is the first day of Dasara Festival and so, resolve this day to cleanse the mind of impurities, so that you can imbibe the inspiration it is intended to convey.
Please find some of the exciting programs taking place within SSSGC Zone-1(USA, Canada and West Indies).
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Sai NAAM Oct. 4th to 6th, Atlanta
“My Students are My only Property”, declared Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the occasion of the inauguration of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning on November 22, 1981. Since then, this unique relationship between Swami and His only property has been a matter of great interest to all. It is public knowledge that ever since the establishment of His Educational Institutions, Swami spent the maximum time with His Students. He continued to create opportunities for them to stay with Him, whether at Prasanthi Nilayam, Brindavan or Kodaikanal, and learn from Him to be good human beings and play a responsible role in the Sai Mission.
Sai Alumni from across the nation will be meeting at The Sri Sathya Sai Baba Center Of Atlanta where all His chosen children will be gathering and contemplating on Re-Live, Re-collect, Re-connect and Re-energize. The meet will be filled with highly interactive and inspiring discussions, talks and mesmerizing music and much more... The afternoon session starting 4pm is open to public.
Charlotte, NC

Sairam All!
The Walk for Values was truly an uplifting experience. Many felt like ambassadors of Swami’s message of love, with several expressing that the parade had inspired them to practice His teachings with renewed enthusiasm. The crowd’s curiosity and interest in learning more about Swami and His teachings showed the positive impact of this outreach effort.

Prasanthi Connection
Our Connection with The Abode of Highest Peace
Prasanthi Nilayam means 'the abode of highest peace'. It is the main ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, located near the village of Puttaparthi amidst rolling hills, with the river Chitravathi to its east. The valley houses the divine sannidhi (sanctum) of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Sai Kulwant Hall, bhajan mandir, residential complexes, the headquarters of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, its allied institutions.
By the divine grace of Beloved Baba our SSSGC Zone1 has recently taken up a new initiative "Prasanthi Connection" through which we will be sharing all important initiatives & updates from Prasanthi Nilayam.
Prasanthi Connection Team members will also strive hard to facilitate and help the devotees (of Zone1) with the logistics in Prasanthi Nilalayam.
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