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SAI INSPIRES - Dec 25, 2024

Writer's picture: Admin - SSSGC Zone 1Admin - SSSGC Zone 1

Your Connection to Prasanthi Nilayam

SAI INSPIRES Zone 1 Bulletin

Dec 25, 2024


Sai Inspires - Latest Updates

Loving Sairam Dear All,

Please find some of the exciting programs taking place within SSSGC Zone-1(USA, Canada and West Indies)

Merry Christmas wishes to you and your family..

Carols at Dawn - Merry Christmas | Devotees from SSSGC - Canada | Dec 25, 2024

Continuing the traditional practice of offering carols at day break in the divine presence, the tranquil dawn at Prasanthi Nilayam unfolded with celestial melodies by the pilgrims from Canada. The morning air was filled with divine vibrations as their voices harmonized in praise, evoking a sense of devotion and serenity.

As the first rays of sunlight painted the eastern horizon, the soft chirping of birds seemed to blend effortlessly with the soulful carols, creating an ethereal atmosphere. The devotees, adorned in traditional attire, radiated a sense of grace and humility as they assembled in the beautifully decorated Mandir premises.

The pathways leading to the Mandir were adorned with vibrant floral arrangements and intricate rangoli patterns, adding to the spiritual ambiance. The fragrance of fresh flowers and incense heightened the sacred mood, enveloping all present in a cocoon of peace and divinity.

Please catch up with all festivity at SSSMC

Sarva Dharma Swarupa Sai

Documentary Series on Sri Sathya Sai

100th Birthday Offering

Loving Sai Ram and greetings from Prasanthi Nilayam!

Discover the profound philosophy of Sarva Dharma Aikyata (unity of Religions/Faiths), as exemplified by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba—a divine embodiment of the essence of all faiths. This video, the second in the series of documentaries on Bhagawan's life, delves into Baba's timeless message of universal love and religious congruence, expounding the truth that all paths ultimately lead to the same Divine.

Watch the video to know more about

•⁠ ⁠The meaning of Sarva Dharma Swarupa — God as the embodiment of all religions.

•⁠ ⁠Insights into the tenets of popular world religions

•⁠ ⁠Stories on how Bhagawan promoted the unity and acceptance of all faiths.

•⁠ ⁠Practical ways to live by these principles in daily life.


Centenary Medical Programs and Seva Opportunities

With Swami's Grace numerous opportunities are available for doctors, nurses, and medical professionals along with non-medical volunteers from around the globe to join together with our brothers and sisters from India to offer services to Bhagawan over this historic centenary celebratory year. Please inform and encourage all to participate. 

Guru Purnima Medical Camp July 7-11

Location: N1 building

Global Cardiovascular Symposium for Medical Professionals Sept 27-28

  • Prasanthi Nilayam has been chosen as an official site for 2025 by the World Heart Federation (WHF) (

  • Screening Seva Activities will be offered on September 27

  • Preventive Medical Conference hosted by the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences (SSSIHMS), University of Texas, Baylor Medical College, USA and University of Rochester, New York, USA.   

World Heart Day Celebrations Sept 29

November Medical Seva

  • Support during Centenary Celebrations

  • Services to be made available Nov 8 -26 at multiple sites in and around ashram

Registration is now open for the Guru Purnima Medical Camp.  

  • You are welcome to have the devotees from your country register with the registration links below.  Last date for registration is May 10, 2025 for doctors and healthcare professionals

1.Medical Professional Registration form

2. Allied Health Professional Registration form

3. Nurse Registration form

4. Non-Medical Professional Registration form

Registration for the other events will be made available at a later date.  

Loving regards,

Dr. Axay Shanti Kalathia

SSSGC, Zone 1 Chair


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Prasanthi Connection

Our Connection with The Abode of Highest Peace

Prasanthi Nilayam means 'the abode of highest peace'. It is the main ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, located near the village of Puttaparthi amidst rolling hills, with the river Chitravathi to its east. The valley houses the divine sannidhi (sanctum) of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Sai Kulwant Hall, bhajan mandir, residential complexes, the headquarters of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, its allied institutions.

By the divine grace of Beloved Baba our SSSGC Zone1 has recently taken up a new initiative "Prasanthi Connection" through which we will be sharing all important initiatives & updates from Prasanthi Nilayam.

Prasanthi Connection Team members will also strive hard to facilitate and help the devotees (of Zone1) with the logistics in Prasanthi Nilalayam

Please browse through the following

Jai Sairam


If you have not yet, you can still join the official worldwide organization connected to Prasanthi Nilayam!

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