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SAI INSPIRES - Dec 12, 2024

Writer's picture: Admin - SSSGC Zone 1Admin - SSSGC Zone 1

Your Connection to Prasanthi Nilayam

SAI INSPIRES Zone 1 Bulletin

Dec 12, 2024


Sai Inspires - Latest Updates

Loving Sairam Dear All,

Please find some of the exciting programs taking place within SSSGC Zone-1(USA, Canada and West Indies)

Join the Grand Sai Centenary Celebrations

A Special Call from the Managing Trustee of SSSCT

Loving Sai Ram and greetings from Prasanthi Nilayam!

Here is an important announcement from the Managing Trustee of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust - Sri RJ Rathnakar.

The centenary of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Avatar of Love and Selfless Service, is upon us—a moment so profound and sacred, that it comes but once in a millennium! This is not merely an event; it is a rarest of rare, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to express our gratitude and unite as one global Sai family.

Bhagawan’s divine mission of “Love All, Serve All” beckons us now more than ever. Let us rise, hand in hand, heart in heart, transcending borders, languages, and cultures to celebrate His glory and carry His legacy forward.

From service projects to spiritual offerings, there’s a place for every hand, every heart. Whether it’s in your neighbourhood or through global initiatives, let’s fill this world with Sai’s love and light.

Let us honour the Cosmic Sai Principle with unwavering devotion and make the 100th year of the Avatar a shining beacon for ages to come.

💖 This is the time. This is YOUR time. Let’s give our all—our mind, body, and soul—to the Lord who gave us everything. Together, let’s build a world of love, peace, and harmony.

🙏 Come, join this divine celebration! Let’s make history together.


Love in Action - Inspiring Projects in Zone 1

Welcome to Inspired by Sri Sathya Sai, a new podcast series brought to you by the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council. Sri Sathya Sai Baba's guiding message, "My life is My message," serves as the foundation for this series. Devotees of Sai, spanning across 9 zones worldwide, are actively engaged in selfless service, focused on personal transformation.

These initiatives are deeply rooted in Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings of pure love, service, and the five human values: truth, right conduct, peace, love, and non-violence.

In this episode, Dr. Axay Kalathia, Chair for Zone 1 (United States, Canada, and the West Indies), shares inspiring insights into three transformative projects in Zone 1 that are having a profound impact on both participants and recipients.


Homes For Homeless

Very Special Service in West Indies

By the divine grace of beloved Swami 27 houses were built in three days in the hurricanes ravaged island of Carriacou Greanada over Swami’s Birthday weekend. The prime minister of Grenada and some of his cabinet ministers attended our handing over ceremony. The prime minster of Grenada was so full of gratitude . He met with all the volunteers and extended his gratitude.

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Prasanthi Connection

Our Connection with The Abode of Highest Peace

Prasanthi Nilayam means 'the abode of highest peace'. It is the main ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, located near the village of Puttaparthi amidst rolling hills, with the river Chitravathi to its east. The valley houses the divine sannidhi (sanctum) of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the Sai Kulwant Hall, bhajan mandir, residential complexes, the headquarters of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust, its allied institutions.

By the divine grace of Beloved Baba our SSSGC Zone1 has recently taken up a new initiative "Prasanthi Connection" through which we will be sharing all important initiatives & updates from Prasanthi Nilayam.

Prasanthi Connection Team members will also strive hard to facilitate and help the devotees (of Zone1) with the logistics in Prasanthi Nilalayam.

Please browse through the following


Sairam, The Prasanthi Global News Team humbly present Issue 24 of our Global Magazine. Please use this link to subscribe to all further Issues and ongoing updates, which will make communication seamless.

Jai Sairam


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