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Relief Efforts For Tornado Aftermath Victims In Kentucky Area – January 2022


From: Rajen Ghayal <; Sent: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 3:33 PM To: Sai Sravan Cherukuri <;; Rajen Ghayal <; Subject: Fwd: Relief Efforts For Tornado Aftermath Victims In Kentucky Area – January 2022 Relief Efforts For Tornado Aftermath Victims In Kentucky Area – January 2022 Sai Ram Everyone … According to reports from the National Weather Service, at least six states — Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi and Tennessee — were hit by tornadoes on Friday night, December 10, 2021 causing tremendous devastation. It obliterated homes, churches and businesses, set buildings on fire and knocked a train with 28 empty rail cars from its tracks, severely damaging the infrastructure, leaving unearthly scenes of destruction and killing more than 100 people. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear said, “This is the most devastating, most deadly tornado event in Kentucky’s history.” In response to his appeal for recovery and relief for the victims, let us all join together to pledge our full support to help the afflicted in the following way: Norton Hospitals Emergency Supply Items: After the tornado aftermath, Norton Hospital CEO announced that they are collecting the following items: water, flash lights, head lamps, batteries, work/utility gloves, new socks and undergarments, blankets, coats, warm clothes and shoes, and toiletry items. By Sai Baba’s Grace and Blessings, after surveying, SSSGC is partnering with various hospitals in the Louisville area in Kentucky. If you are motivated to donate relief items, please see the link below to sign-up: Please send the relief items to Brother Subbiah Krishna who has volunteered to distribute them to the needy via the hospitals: Subbiah Krishna, 9919 Fringe Tree Court,

Louisville, KY 40241. Email: Phone number: 502-718-0204. If you need more information or clarification on this relief service, please contact Rajen Ghayal at (Mobi

le: 1-732-551-6349) or (Email: Thank you. In Sai’s Service, Rajen Ghayal, On Behalf of Sai Disaster Response Team, SSSGC.



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