Sai Ram Dear SSSGC National Presidents-USA, Canada, and WI,
Kindly share this email with all the SSSGC Sai Centers in your respective country.
With Swami's grace, please see the message below from our own Dr. Geetha Kamath, M.D., National Medical Director, U.S.A.
Request to share the information with all the medical professionals and encourage them to register using the link below:
Sai Ram,
Sai Sravan
Sri Sathya Sai Global Council-USA.

August 12, 2021
Dear Doctors and allied health professionals:
Sairam to all of you.
Let me offer my humble pranams at the lotus feet of our Beloved Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba. We are truly blessed to have joined the Global Council which unifies the entire world. Our vision will be to serve the poor and those in need in every part of the world with the guidance given by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Our beloved Swami says, “It is your good fortune that you have become doctors. Sacrifice is the hallmark of a true doctor. So, doctors should have the spirit of sacrifice. They should be compassionate and considerate towards the poor. There are many poor people who are losing their lives as they cannot afford costly treatment. Your love alone can sustain such lives. The more you develop the spirit of sacrifice in you, the greater will be the world's progress." (Sri Sathya Sai Baba, January 19, 2001)
Our first goal is to develop a database of all physicians/allied health professionals who are members of the SSSGC centers in the U.S.A. and then all of Zone 1(Canada and West Indies). We can then work with physicians from other zones and coordinate all aspects of medical service across the world. We will also conduct medical camps in Prasanthi Nilayam during Gurupurnima and Swami's Birthday.
When we all work together and focus on serving with no concern for our position and status, Swami will bring about the healing of the patients. I call upon all of you to provide your information so that you are aware of every medical service opportunity available. I invite you to share your ideas and tools that may help us deliver medical care in a well-organized and efficient manner.
In loving service of Sai,
Geetha Kamath, M.D.,
National Medical Director, U.S.A.
"Even more than the drugs the doctors prescribe, the sweet, soft words they speak and the love and sympathy they evince can cure better and quicker the illness of their patients. Look upon them as your own kith and kin, as your special guests and as your closest friends and attend to them lovingly and with flinching care. I call upon you to maintain this attitude in every situation."
- Sri Sathya Sai Baba, August 28th, 1976.
